Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site.

Repo Activity
Last fetched: 2 hours, 51 minutes ago  Fetch latest data

Commits 2105 731


Version License Released Status Python 3?
0.20 BSD 03/10/2018 Production/Stable
0.19 BSD 10/10/2017 Production/Stable
0.18.1 BSD 09/27/2016 Production/Stable
0.17 BSD 06/07/2016 Production/Stable
0.16 BSD 03/08/2016 Production/Stable
0.15.2 BSD 06/22/2015 Production/Stable
0.15.1 BSD 01/07/2015 Production/Stable
0.15 BSD 12/18/2014 Production/Stable
0.14.3 BSD 12/04/2014 Production/Stable
0.14.2 BSD 09/16/2014 Production/Stable
0.14.1 BSD 03/12/2014 Production/Stable
0.14 BSD 01/18/2014 Production/Stable
0.13 BSD 12/03/2013 Production/Stable
0.12.3 BSD 02/27/2013 Production/Stable
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