My Membership

Supporting the preservation and operation of paddle steamers Waverley and Kingswear Castle

You can use the options listed to update your membership information, for example, when your postal address changes.

A Year of Further Evolution

This is a period of transition for the Society as we move from one computer based membership system to a new on-line system that will be an integral part of this website. Several ‘members only’ features are in development and will be introduced in phases as they are completed. However these features will not become fully available until later in the year. Until then this page will appear to be rather sparse but please be patient. News of the new features will appear here first.

In the meantime please feel free to contact us with any feedback or suggestions on this website here.

Thank you.
[well size=”well-normal”]

My Membership Summary

  • Membership number: [psps_membership_number]
  • Username: [wp_eMember_user_details user_info=’user_name’]
  • Membership status: [wp_eMember_user_details user_info=”account_state”]
  • Membership type: [wp_eMember_user_details user_info=”user_membership_level_name”]
  • Expires: [psps_emember_expiry_date] [psps_emember_expiry_message]

