


2024, Economics

Our reliance on credit has fundamentally altered how we perceive affordability. With a plethora of credit options readily available, from store credit cards to "buy now, pay later" plans, the focus has shifted from the total...

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Big Business: Food Empires

Big Business: Food Empires

2023, Economics

Pat LaFrieda: This third-generation butcher reigns supreme in the meat world, supplying prime cuts to renowned restaurants and discerning home cooks alike. From dry-aged steaks to artisanal burger patties, their dedication to...

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The Economics Of

The Economics Of

2023, Economics

Chick-fil-A has built a devoted customer base by focusing on providing excellent customer service and quality food. The company's success can be attributed to its distinct business model, which includes limited operating hours,...

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So Long, Superstores?

So Long, Superstores?

2021, Economics

"So Long, Superstores?" is a documentary film that examines the changing retail landscape in the United States and the impact it is having on the traditional superstore model. The film takes a deep dive into the history of the...

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Why Americans Feel So Poor?

Why Americans Feel So Poor?

2023, Economics

The American middle class has been facing financial challenges and instability, despite being considered a symbol of the American dream in the past. A study by the Pew Research Center showed that the middle class has been...

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Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

2022, Economics

Many of us have taken for granted that if we order something online, it will arrive in two to three days max. Delays have been few and far between until the ongoing supply chain crisis hit the world in full force in 2021. It is...

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USA on the Brink

USA on the Brink

2020, Economics

When the COVID19 pandemic hit, the world almost came to a grinding halt. The magnitude of the economic upheaval it caused was similar to what the USA experienced during the Great Depression. With government-enforced lockdowns,...

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Money, Power and Wall Street

Money, Power and Wall Street

2012, Economics

After almost 80 years, another global financial crisis threatened to bring the world economy to the brink of collapse. The 2008 Wall Street crash would go down in history as the worst global financial crisis since the infamous...

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The Pension Gamble

The Pension Gamble

2021, Economics

Older civil servant workers in America are worried. Sure they have steady jobs - as firefighters, public school teachers, and police officers - still, sadly, they can no longer count on one of the most basic financial safety...

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Congo: Millionaires of Chaos

Congo: Millionaires of Chaos

2018, Economics

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the largest country in Central Africa. It is six times the size of Germany and home to over 100 million people. Armed uprisings, political upheavals and violence have marked its history...

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