
Why Shouldn't the Universe Exist?

Why Shouldn't the Universe Exist?

2023, Science

In 1967, cosmologists were grappling with the 'cosmological constant problem', a profound puzzle about why empty space doesn't weigh as much as one would expect. This issue lies at the intersection of quantum field theory and...

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First Man

First Man

2017, Science

Our evolutionary journey, stretching back 25 million years from the ape-like Piolatherus, reveals several crucial factors shaping humanity. Social structures emerged early, with Piolatherus living in groups and communicating...

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Anomalies in the Universe

Anomalies in the Universe

2023, Science

Our universe is a vast and enigmatic expanse, teeming with celestial bodies both familiar and strange. This documentary embarks on a captivating exploration of these anomalies, venturing beyond our solar system to uncover the...

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2019, Science

Imagine ripples in the fabric of spacetime, caused by cataclysmic events like colliding black holes, echoing across the cosmos. For centuries, these "gravitational waves" were just a prediction of Einstein's theory of...

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Worlds Beyond the Solar System

Worlds Beyond the Solar System

2021, Science

For millennia, humanity has gazed at the starry sky, wondering if other worlds harbored life beyond our fragile Earth. Now, thanks to powerful telescopes and the tireless efforts of scientists, we're beginning to glimpse the...

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A New Prehistory

A New Prehistory

2016, Science

Around 300 million years ago, the Carboniferous period witnessed the dominance of colossal insects on Earth. Dragonflies, equivalent to the size of hawks, and 10-foot-long centipedes thrived in an atmosphere abundant with 35%...

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Black Holes: We Thought Wrong

Black Holes: We Thought Wrong

2022, Science

Black holes, born from the tumultuous death throes of massive stars, stand as cosmic marvels that stretch and reshape the very fabric of space-time, challenging the bounds of our understanding. These celestial behemoths,...

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Truth of the First Galaxies

Truth of the First Galaxies

2023, Science

Launched on Christmas morning 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) embarked on a $10 billion, 30-year mission to explore the universe's early stages from a unique vantage point 1.5 million kilometers away from the Earth....

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