DCA and CancerDCA as a Cancer Treatment - Sodium Dichloroacetate

DCA Dosage and the DCA-Tea-B1 Protocol

It appears that DCA works vastly better when used in combination with caffeinated tea and vitamin B1. Reports and an early survey indicate that caffeinated tea is critical. Vitamin B1 may be essential as well. We recommend using all three: DCA, black tea and vitamin B1.

Brain cancer patients are at added risk. Click here

With the discovery around the first of February 2008 that caffeinated tea and Vitamin B1 make DCA work, the dosing situation for DCA has changed. Mark, the patient with NHL used a high dose (35 mg/kg) of DCA originally with the black tea and B1. This dose caused an extremely rapid die-off of his tumor, causing sickness. He lowered the dose to 10-12 mg/kg and the tumor continued to die, but at a tolerable rate. Jeannette used a dose of 10.5 mg/kg with great results. Both did experience the standard neuropathy of tingling fingers. Mark now takes DCA 5 days on, 2 off.

If this DCA-Tea-B1 synergy proves effective against most cancers, then the dose can probably stay low, making side effect issues much less of a concern.

(We are not physicians nor veterinarians, so this information is from a private, non-medical professional, viewpoint.)

1. It is clear from the research that one must be very careful about not going too high with the dosage of DCA for too long a period. Adults may have problems using dosages at 25 mg/kg of body weight and above for protracted periods. We see people showing side effects even at 14 to 15 mg/kg of body weight per day after three to six weeks.

2. The Michelakis paper states that DCA is dose-dependent, meaning the higher the dose of DCA the better the response. The Michelakis patent gives a dose range of 10 mg/kg of body weight to 100 mg/kg for tumor action.

The half-life of DCA in the body is about 24 hours, so drug holidays are a good way to lower the levels of DCA and avoid side effects.

In using DCA, we urge you to consider the full protocol of DCA, caffeinated tea and vitamin B1.

It appears that you can use lower doses of DCA in this protocol. Side effects are still a concern, so adjust accordingly if side effects appear.

How Often Should DCA be Taken?

Our recommendation is once or twice a day. Split the dosage and take half in the morning and half at night. We have seen a number of excellent responses with once a day treatments.

Side effects from DCA are reported even with doses of 13 to 14 mg/kg after 6 to 8 weeks. Considering the half-life of DCA (the amount of time necessary to metabolize and eliminate half of the DCA in one's system) can run as long as 24 hours, getting off DCA periodically might help keep the levels low and make managing side effects much easier. Good suggestions we hear include taking DCA every other day, or taking DCA Monday through Friday and not taking it on weekends.

Why just once or twice a day? Does it work?

Yes. The posts from Joy about her father Terry, shows he got excellent results with DCA after 4 weeks and gained 11 pounds. Terry took a gram a day, just once in the morning, mixed in eight ounces of water.

Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS) concerns might also indicate a less aggressive use of DCA. DCA is working so well against lymphatic cancers that an "on and off strategy" of taking DCA might be a good idea; taking DCA one day and not the next. We have had reports of severe TLS symptoms by patients with lymphomas.

To calculate your suggested daily dose:

  Dosage Calculator (lbs)     Dosage Calculator (kg)

DCA Dosage



DCA Dosage



Let's look at an example. Use these formulas:

How can I measure these amounts?

A one quarter teaspoon of sodium dichloroacetate weighs almost one gram, or 1000 milligrams. A one eighth teaspoon weighs about one-half gram, or 500 milligrams. Doses are approximate. Follow the dosage chart for suggested 10 to 15 mg/kg per day rates. Intermediate doses can be measured by spreading the above amount on a plate, for example, and dividing the powder into fractions, such as thirds. This proves to be very easy and effective in practice.

The most accurate way is to weigh the DCA on a fine scale.

http://www.oldwillknottscales.com/ ( Triton T2. The price was $22.40 and $5 shipping to California. If you buy one check the AAA batteries when you get it. They were dead on mine, but the item worked great with new batteries.-- Note From G.S, California) A 21 Oct 09 email from this supplier states that theT2 price has been reduced and that they have "many other scales with the same, or better, resolution as the Triton for less". Link to pocket scales.

Here is a Canadian company: http://www.canadianweigh.com/

http://www.toplinedigitalscales.com/catalog.php?action=124&item_id=405 is a link to one.

Here is a message we got from "Magnus" of Germany: Hello, as a chemical engineer- I use a pocket scale (250 g max, accuracy 0.05 g) in my work. It costs only 80€ from www.conrad.de. (in Germany and www.conrad.fr in France etc).Reference nr 124000-62.

http://afterbuy.de/afterbuy/shop/storefront/start.aspx?shopid=43633 for 29 Euro (from "Marco"

Let us know of others

Here is an example. When asked how to dose an 18 pound dog:
Dose: if you go with 15 mg/kg, then 15 mg/2.2 pounds =122.7 mg/18 pounds.

So you would want to give it approximately 125 mg per day.
One eighth of a teaspoon of DCA weighs 500 milligrams.
One fourth of the 1/8 teaspoon weighs 125 mg.
An eighth teaspoon of DCA will supply an 18 pound dog for 4 days. Pour the 1/8 teaspoon on a hard surface, (like a plate) . With a knife, mash and separate the powdered DCA into 8 equal parts. Take one portion each morning and evening over the next four days. The powder dissolves well into water.

OR, make a water mix. Here is the formula for a 22 pound dog:
If you dose your dog at 15 mg/kg, then you need 150 mg/day.
If you have one of those super sensitive scales use it. Otherwise, do this:
A one quarter teaspoon of NaDCA weighs one gram, or 1000 mg.
To make a weeks’ supply, or 150 times 7 = 1050 mg, mix one gram (1/4 teaspoon) into 7 ounces of water. Then give your dog one ounce (=2 tablespoons) of the solution a day, by pouring over the food. That should be easy. Keep mix in refrigerator.

For more dose examples, click here.

How is DCA taken?

This is usually done by mixing it in water and drinking. Or by mixing it in a little water or juice and adding it to the pet's food. Since DCA is a skin irritant, it is suggested that DCA not be taken on an empty stomach.

What if I Exhibit Side Effects?

DCA Side Effects:

Get off of DCA for a while. manage the side effects and do not let side effects go too far. It is safer and simpler to stop side effects when they first appear than to let them progress. The literature shows the half-life of DCA can be 24 hours, meaning it might take several days for the DCA to clear out of your system. Older individuals and animals cannot metabolize DCA as well as the young can. That is why children in the lactic acidosis studies did so much better than adults. I'd suggest getting off DCA until the side effects diminish or vanish and then resume at a lower dosage. It may be much more important to stay on DCA at low levels for long time periods than to dose too high and be forced to drop off DCA. Consult with your doctor or veterinarian. Remember the Michelakis patent indicates tumor action at rates as low as 10 mg/kg per day. And many people in the chat rooms at www.buydca.com and www.thedcasite.com have had great tumor action at the 10 to 13 mg/kg rates.

Benfotiamine is a possible treatment to reduce peripheral neuropathy. I have no feedback from DCA users on this compound. It is a lipid soluble form of thiamine that has been shown to reduce diabetic neuropathy.

Tumor Lysis Syndrome:

When a tumor starts to die, the cancer cells break apart and must be removed from the body. This can create a problem when large tumors die quickly, something that DCA can do. This can be fatal. People on standard chemotherapy have died from TLS. Take this seriously.

Make sure you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumor_lysis_syndrome
Also, here is another excellent link: http://www.answers.com/topic/tumor-lysis-syndrome
Consult your doctor or veterinarian and be knowledgeable about this.

How Long Do I Have to Take DCA?

This is new territory. If you are successful in eliminating your cancer, you might consider what Mark is doing. He takes 2-3 mg/kg with tea and vitamin B1. It is just too early to say much.

Should DCA be taken during pregnancy?

No. Studies on rats showed serious potential for birth defects. "The No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for the developmental toxicity of DCA in the rat was 14 mg/kg/day, a dose level that produced obvious treatment-related maternal effects".

What is the Shelf Life of Sodium Dichloroacetate?

Up to 5 years, if kept cool and out of light. Click here for details.

How Much Tea?

Jeannette drank 10-12 cups of black tea a day. Mark drank 6-7 double tea bag cups (he puts 2 tea bags in each cup) of black tea a day. Phone calls to people doing well with DCA show even 2 cups is helpful. Black and green tea and coffee have all been linked so far (2 Feb 2008). Right now, I feel much more comfortable suggesting caffeinated black tea, based on the reports. Caffeine has a variable half-life, but 2-5 hours is often given. I'd suggest drinking the tea throughout the day and evening. It is interesting that both Jeannette and Mark drank almost the same amount of black tea, approximately 12 cups a day. The effects of caffeine appear dose-dependent; the more caffeine, the better the response.

How Much Vitamin B1?

Jeannette took 500 mg a day (fives times 100 mg). Mark took ten 250 mg pills a day. Vitamin B1 is critical for mitochondrial function. Also, caffeine lowers B1 levels in the body. Be sure to take B1 also.

Are there more questions? Please let us know.