SMART Meetings

SMART Recovery meetings are open and free, although we pass the hat for voluntary contributions.  Monies collected go towards the cost of the rooms, purchasing handbooks, and supporting the twenty-four hour programs available at

We encourage you to visit at least five meetings to see if our science-based program might work for you!

  • There are three simple ground rules:
  1. Confidentiality:  who attends and what is said is held confidential. Remember, not everyone is “out” in their recovery.
  2. Honesty:  when you speak about yourself, be open and honest.  This is a shame-free zone.
  3. Positivity:  when  commenting or giving feedback to others, be supportive and helpful.  These are our safe spaces.

Our focus is on abstinence and helping participants develop an individual recovery program that works for them.

Our meetings consist of a group of participants (ranging from five to fifteen or more) gathering to get ideas and support to assist in their individual recovery.  Everyone tries to help everyone else.  A trained facilitator (or experienced volunteer) leads each meeting and keeps the discussions on track.

There is no need to call in advance, or purchase any materials, although the handbook is HIGHLY recommended, and available for sale at the meetings at cost (or below, at some meetings).  Just make the decision to change your life, choose a meeting, and attend.  All meetings are open, and you will be welcome.

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