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    • Sorry video wouldn't post.      
    • Happy Hump Day. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/happy-hump-day-camels-escape-petting-zoo-at-cedar-point
    • No line skip program but like Mikey said lines will be manageable once the water park opens. Even if your kids can't do the bigger slides, the water park is very good and the bigger slides have a single rider queue so if your kids are old enough to wait for you at the exit it will be fairly quick.  I would suggest doing KK first and just staying in Louisville and making HW a day trip from in there. KK is eastern time zone and HW is central time zone and about an hours drive. So you will basically arrive at the same time that you leave and then it's not so bad just driving back to crash in a hotel in or near Louisville. There is truly nothing else to do around HW unless you want to rent one of the cabins and look at the small lake. I mean there really aren't even any restaurants. A subway and maybe a pizza place. There is a very good restaurant about halfway between Louisville and HW called the The Overlook Restaurant (theoverlook.com) with good food and fabulous views of the OH river. If the timing works out its a great place to stop. Fyi, it is eastern time so it will be an hour later than the park.
    • Weekends might start out very busy until the waterpark opens but once the waterpark opens that's where the main crowd flocks and the dry side crowd dwindles rapidly so the first or two hours after park opening will be crowded but if you're skipping the waterpark you'll be good on the coasters and I'm not sure about the parent swap system but the staff are very friendly and when my two sons were younger the staff would keep an eye on either or both of my sons standing on the exit ramp waiting for me. I'd send them into the exit que while I went into the entrance que and never had any worries about them.
    • We were there Sunday as well, and I agree on the Comet, we rode 4th row and back row, and the back was definitely where it is at. Its better than years previous, can't really tell where they did any real track work other than the lift but its not too terribly rough to begin with. I would rank Bobcat third of the Gravity Groups I've done, just ahead of Wooden Warrior but behind both Wacky Taxi and Roar-a-Saurus. I just feel like the airtime is so much better on those models that are tight and compact than the more sprawling ones for some reason. Honestly though they are all very close and are great rides, although I may put Roar-a-Saurus a bit ahead of the pack. We get to ride that later in July so I will have a good comparison among most of them in the same season.
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