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    America’s schools have just started making progress toward getting students back on track after they fell behind by historic margins during the pandemic. But improvement has varied widely by geography and economic status. Millions of students including those who are poor or marginalized have made up little or none of the ground they lost during pandemic school closures. The Education Recovery Scorecard project at Harvard and Stanford says Virginia students were behind in reading by the equivalent of 70% of a grade level in 2023. The state has added $418 million to boost recovery efforts. But among other states with lagging progress, few say they are changing their strategies to speed up improvement.

      Oregon authorities have closed the state's entire coastline to mussel harvesting due to an outbreak of shellfish poisoning they described as “unprecedented.” They've also closed parts of the Oregon coast to harvesting razor clams, bay clams and oysters. The Oregon Health Authority this week said paralytic shellfish poisoning has sickened at least 20 people. The agency is asking people who have harvested or eaten Oregon shellfish since May 13 to fill out a survey to help officials identify the cause of the outbreak and the number of people sickened. Officials say high levels of toxins were first detected in shellfish along the coast about two weeks ago.


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