One of four images exemplifying Allen Institute data
One of four images exemplifying Allen Institute data
One of four images exemplifying Allen Institute data
One of four images exemplifying Allen Institute data
Accelerating progress toward understanding the brain

About Neuroscience at the Allen Institute

Our focus on neuroscience began with the launch of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in 2003, which led to the creation of the widely-used Allen Brain Atlases. This division is in a 16-year phase focused on multimodal characterization of brain cell types. In 2021, we launched the Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, a neuroscience division dedicated to understanding how dynamic neuronal signals across the entire brain perform fundamental computations and drive flexible behaviors. The Allen Institute practices open science, releasing our data, analysis tools, and other scientific resources publicly here at We aim to accelerate research and education efforts across the world by lowering barriers to access and supporting collaboration.

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