The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden. The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden But now, in your presence, my heavenly host, although you see and know all things …More
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden.
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden
But now, in your presence, my heavenly host, although you see and know all things in me, yet for the sake of the knowledge and teaching of my bride standing here, who cannot understand spiritual things except through a corporal parable, I make a complaint before you over these five men who are standing here, for they provoke me to wrath in many ways. Just as I, once, in the Law, with the name of Israel, signified the whole Israelite nation, so now by these five men I signify every man in the world.
The first man signifies the leader of the Church and his priests; the second, the evil laity; the third, the Jews; the fourth, the heathens; and the fifth, my friends. But from you, Jew, I exclude all the Jews who are Christians in secret and who serve me secretly in a pure love, a right faith, and a perfect deed. And from you, heathen, I exclude all those who would gladly walk …More
la verdad prevalece
Todo ese equipo de Kasper esta excomulgado por Dios mismo ya que ellos se están rebelando contra El.