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Sharing Salt

Thinking about some of the deepest and most profound conversations we see in Scripture, I’m struck by how many take place over food and/or drink.…
James Travis
April 30, 2024

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Sermons from the founder of Calvary Chapel.

Cultivate: Church Planter training program

The vision of Cultivate is to see these churches planted not haphazardly or in solitude, but in partnership with the local church.

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An Excerpt from “Images & Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life”

**Free Chapter** Enjoy this free chapter from Humble Beast's latest book, Images & Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life, by Thomas Terry and J. Ryan…

Does Education Make You Less Dependent on the Holy Spirit?

Seminary is Not For Everyone I have known many good pastors who did not go to seminary. My pastor, Tom Stipe, used to tell me…

The Resurrection Means MORE!

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they might have life, and that they…
Wake Up To The Story – Resisting Apathy pt.1
The Rescue of Restriction
Discovering the Reason for the Holy Spirit’s Conviction
Grace: The Anti-Karma
Christian Living
Eternity is Closer Than We Might Think
History & Holidays
A Christian Perspective on Purim

Is the Church a Victim of Success, Deconstruction Stories, the Gospel in All Scripture & More

"Is the Church a Victim of Success? The WEIRD Truth"– The Gospel Coalition"Review: ‘The WEIRDest People in the World’ by Joseph Henrich and ‘Fertility and…

Faith in a Level Zero Culture

As soon as the average person in the United Kingdom finds out I am a Christian, I battle their instant suspicion. Eyes narrow, voices change…

Four Practical Ways to Live Like Jesus In Election Season

This article is a partial transcript from a recent episode of The GoodLion Podcast, a product of Calvary Global Network. Listen to the full episode…
Year-End Review 2019!
The Great Reset or The Great Return
The Link: 2021 Missions Conference, Teaching Messianic Prophecies to Teenagers, The Thrill of Hope Advent & More
The Link: Michael Behe on COVID-19, CGN – Leading During Covid-19, Help During the Exodus to Online & More
Tim Keller, the War on Winsomeness, & Responding to the “Negative World.”
The Link: Lecrae, History of Evangelicalism, Bryan Stevenson & More

How is CGN Fostering Missional Life and Ministry?

What is the role of mission and outreach in the life of a church, or in the life of a disciple of Jesus? Is engagement…

Thoughts on The Power of the Gospel

2018 CGN Pastors & Leaders Conference Archives Though I’ve been a Calvary Chapel pastor for nearly five years, this year will be my first time…

Why The Gospel Is Central

In past years there has been a re-emphasis and refocus on the centrality of the gospel. It's easy to notice how many organizations, books, conferences…
Meditations on Good Friday
Three Reflections on the Power, Hope, and Triumph of Easter
Seven Moments That Demonstrate Global Missions Matter
God and Social Justice
What is CGN Doing to Help Churches in Practical Ways?
How the Gospel Heals Shame
Ministry & Leadership

Three Benefits of Seeing Christ in the Old Testament

“The Old Testament follows God’s one great plan for human history and redemption, and the plan is not only from him, but centers on him:…

Facing Challenges in Evangelism & Discipleship in the 21st Century

Patrick Johnstone, author of Operation World, will be our keynote speaker for the 2018 Global Missions Conference, happening January 2-5. Registration for the conference is…
Ministry & Leadership

The Need to Re:Engage in Church Planting

Why you should go to “ReEngage14”There are countless reasons why you should invest your resources and time to attend this church planting conference at Calvary…
Ministry & Leadership
How a Father’s Words Shape Their Child’s Life
Ministry & Leadership
Relevance In Ministry
Reframing the Gospel for the Nations That Are Now in Our Neighborhoods Part 1
Conference Conversations: “Church Planter Initiative Roundtable”
Ministry & Leadership
Do You Understand that You are a Servant?
Christian Living
While We Wait: Being the Church During Lockdown

The Early Church: Trial by Fire

When Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, He told His disciples, “You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and…

Three Reminders for Those Living a Public Lifestyle

I live a very public life. I post on three social media networks regularly (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). I share what I am thinking, what daily…

Good Friday

Jesus was bludgeoned. He was betrayed, spit on, lied about and nailed to a piece of wood we call the cross. From the physical pain,…
The Blessings of the Exile
Why We Need to Leave a Lasting Legacy for the Next Generation
How to Diagnose a Cold Heart Toward God
Christian Living
The Power and Role of Just One Color
The Worshiper and the Leader: A Powerful Combination
Our Father Knows What We Need
Christian Living

Robbed of Joy

I wasn’t always a pastor. I remember the first job I had in college, working for my uncle at his car lot in a questionable…
Christian Living

Digital Distractions: What Can We Do?

In my last post, I discussed the damage digital distractions can inflict on our lives if we don’t find a healthy balance. Not only are…
Christian Living

Finding Life When Everything Points to Death

"The house was filled with people weeping and wailing, but he said, 'Stop the weeping! She isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.' But the crowd laughed…
Christian Living
Stolen Valour & The Christian Life
Christian Living
New Episodes of Women Worth Knowing Podcast!
Christian Living
5 Reasons We Need the Old Testament
Christian Living
Are We Drifting Backward?
Christian Living
Susannah Spurgeon
Christian Living
Advent: Jesus Our Salvation