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Diving with the ocean’s ancient creatures - Sea Turtles

Glimpsing a calm, majestic sea turtle during a dive, sparks joy in every diver. Often considered as the cutest animal among all marine life, sea turtles can be found in warm, tropical waters worldwide throughout the year. There are seven species of sea turtles: green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, Kemp’s Ridley, Olive Ridley and flatback turtle that are distinguished by shell shapes and jaw structures. To increase your chances to have a special moment with these reptiles, these are the most popular hotspots for turtle sightings: Indonesia, Hawaii, Galapagos Islands, Australia and Sipadan in Malaysia. Find your next dive adventure with this ancient ocean swimmer!

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Ras Umm Sid

Done as a boat drift dive or from shore, this dive site offers lots of color and marine life as well as great topography. From the shore, follow the reef on your left for a deep wall dive, but watch for the current at the corner. Follow the reef to your right, you’ll have the bottom beneath you at around 32m.

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Cozumel is one of the most popular dive destinations in the world and caters to divers with many diver-specific hotels year-round. Sitting just off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Cozumel boasts crystal clear, warm waters every day of the year and is home to a wide array of marine life.

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USAT Liberty Wreck

This is the only historical shipwreck in Bali, ranked #3 in the world for Wreck diving! The wreck is 25 meters form shore at a depth of 4 to 29 meters below the surface with most of it occuring in a shallow area. This dive site does not have strong currents, has clear water, and warm temperatures.

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Cook Island - North Wall

“Cook Island” is known as a Marine Reserve and is home to a wide variety of marine life and breeding seabirds. Cook Island provides a great opportunity to visit a protected area and witness why so many love this special place. Max depth here is 13m.

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Being the closest in distance to Kaş makes Fener a very popular dive site. It is a very diverse site. If you head east underwater you will find the “Ottoman wreck” to explore. It has a worn wooden spine and mails at 23 meters with a large water jug.

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A great, shallow reef perfect for newer divers and snorkelers. Accessible by boat. Full of colorful hard and soft corals and sponges and lots of marine life.

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Sail Rock, Thailand

Sail Rock is a pinnacle which rises to 15m above and 40m below the surface. Sail Rock lies between Koh Phangan and Koh tao. It’s famous for its natural underwater vertical swim through or chimney which divers can enter at 6 metres and exit at 18.

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Dekel Beach, Eilat - חוף הדקל

Dekel Beach is a relatively shallow dive with sandy bottom and many coral pinnacles. Most of the time the visibility is good and you can spot the pinnacles from a distance and swim to them. The depth of the pinnacles range between 3 meters (9 feet) to 12 meters (36 feet).

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Turtle Canyon

Turtle Canyon reef is one of the most popular dive sites on the island of Oahu due to the sheer number of sea turtles here. This reef is a turtle cleaning station and is fairly shallow, making it also a great snorkel site.

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Lighthouse Reef

A favorite night dive site in Malapascua found on the northern part of the island. The dive usually starts at dusk to enable divers to watch the Mandarin fish.

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Discover the world’s most fascinating aquatic life

Aquatic life under our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams is amazing! From microscopic zooplankton to the largest animal on earth, the blue whale, underwater life comes in all possible shapes and sizes. With 71% of the earth being covered with water, it is no wonder we are so fascinated with what lies beneath the surface. In fact, scientists estimate that there are nearly 1 million different species of aquatic animals. Freshwater ecosystems are home mainly to fish, invertebrates, and reptiles, whereas the ocean contains a wide array of marine life including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, reptiles, sharks, and marine mammals like whales, dolphins, seals, and manatees.

Leatherback Turtle

The leatherback sea turtle is the largest of all the turtles on earth, both aquatic and terrestrial. It is easily identifiable by its massive, inky-blue leathery shell, different from all of the other sea turtle’s shells which are hard and bony. The leatherback is a massive, ancient relic; the only remaining species of the Dermochelys family of turtles. It can grow up to seven feet long and weigh over 2,000 pounds!

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Green Turtle

The green sea turtle, also known as the green, black, or Pacific green turtle, is one of the largest species of sea turtles and has a wide population distribution throughout the world’s tropical and subtropical seas. There are two distinct populations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but they can be found throughout the Indian Ocean as well. They are unique in that they are the only species that are strict herbivores as adults, feeding mostly on algae, seagrass, and seaweed.

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Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead sea turtles are easily recognizable by their very large heads, giving them their name. Unlike many of the other species, loggerhead’s shells do not have ridges, giving it a smooth appearance, another distinguishing characteristic of these strong jawed hunters. These large, solid bodied swimmers are primarily carnivorous feeding mostly on shellfish like clams, conchs, crabs, and other invertebrates. They have one of the widest distributions of all the sea turtle species and can be found in both temperate and tropical regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. In fact, they have been reported as far north as Alaska and as far south as Chile in the eastern Pacific.

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Hawksbill Turtle

Often times considered the most beautiful of all sea turtle species with it’s mottled, colorful shell, the hawksbill sea turtle is one of the smaller species. These graceful creatures are the most tropical of all the turtles and can be found mainly on coral reefs throughout the warmest areas of the world’s oceans. They use their narrow, pointed beak (hence their name) to eat an omnivorous diet, feeding on sponges, sea anemones, and jellyfish.

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Who has never been overjoyed to see a turtle while snorkeling or diving? These friendly-looking, ancient reptiles are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas. Sea turtles can live for up to 100 years and are believed to have been living here on earth for millions of years. Many facts about them are astonishing but probably the most is the fact that female turtles return to the exact beach where they were born, a journey sometimes covering thousands of kilometers, to lay their eggs in shallow nests they dig in the sand with their flippers. This is an incredible achievement and an awe-inspiring thing to watch. Most locations where you can dive with sea turtles are also where you can sneak a peek at this miraculous egg-laying practice that’s as old as time itself.

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