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Welcome to our business site, we have over 600 case studies that cover a wealth of business topics in real businesses, our business theory pages cover all the topics you need to know in business. In our eBook store you can download PDF versions of all our case studies or get one of our ebook collections, if you prefer we have audio case studies or printed books.

With access to over 6,000 articles that cover all aspects of business, lifestyle and technology featuring topics like how to start your own business, small business trends, marketing tips and practical advice for business owners, trading and cryptocurrency.

The case studies that have been constructed to help you learn about business from real life examples within some of the biggest businesses in the world. You can get unlimited access with a subscription, or you can download any case study from our eBook store.

The product life cycle and online fashion

ASOS.com is the UK's market leader in online fashion retailing. It offers own-label, branded fashion and designer goods. Its headquarters are in Camden Town...

Building a local retail strategy

In the 21st century, consumers really do matter and businesses that wish to prosper must address their needs. This case study illustrates the high...

Customers, process and people

Customer service describes the activity of identifying and satisfying customer needs and, over time, exceeding customer expectations. This case study focuses on how Standard...

Management styles in the oil and gas industry

OPITO The Oil & Gas Academy is the focal point for skills, learning and workforce development for the oil and gas industry. Its role is...

Developing employees as organisational assets

Kingfisher plc is one of Europe’s leading retailers based around three main sectors - DIY, electrical and general merchandise. The company employs over 130,000...

How roles and functions contribute to organisational performance

A Nottingham County Surveyor, Edgar Purnell Hooley, discovered tarmac by accident in the early 20th century. He found a barrel of tar had spilled...

The role of asset management

British Aerospace is a world leader in aerospace and defence with annual sales exceeding £8 billion and an order book of more than £22...

Costing aircraft components

When we think about the cost of an aircraft, we tend to think of the cost of buying the product rather than the costs...

The benefits of budgeting

Zurich Insurance Group is a leading global provider of insurance services. Zurich’s mission is to help customers understand and protect themselves from risk. The...

Lean production

This case study focuses on the way in which Jaguar, one of the world’s most prestigious car manufacturers, has employed lean manufacturing processes. This...

Innovation research and development

The Dyson Dual CycloneTM is the first breakthrough in vacuum cleaner technology since 1901. In 1979, James Dyson noticed that his bag vacuum cleaner...

Sustainable performance in the construction industry

Cement was invented in England in 1824 and is a key ingredient in concrete. Every year the average family uses one tonne of cement...

The business of nuclear decommissioning

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is a new organisation. It was set up by the government and started to operate in April 2005. Its...

Creating a high performance culture

Organisational culture and values The culture of an organisation is the typical way of doing things in the organisation. It particularly relates to behaviour patterns...

Building Societies and other types of organisation

Building societies date back to the late eighteenth century. The first known building society was set up in 1775. This was to enable people...

How an environmental management system EMS helps create a sustainable business

Today, we are aware of the close links between business growth and protection of the environment. The emphasis is on sustainable development; on creating...

The importance of social responsibility

A good business is also a good citizen. As well as making a profit by supplying products or services that people want to buy,...

Responding to changes in the market environment

Jessops has been a leader in the photographic business for over 75 years. The Jessops story began in 1935, when Frank Jessop opened a photography...

We have case studies from over 250 corporate companies like Adidas, Coca Cola, Cadbury Schweppes and many more.

Tarmacs functions working together towards its mission statement

Tarmac was formed in 1903 as TarMacadam Syndicate Limited. The original name came from the developer of the modern road construction system John MacAdam....

Building community partnerships

In recent years, there has been a profound change in the financial services industry, with increasing competition coming from companies not normally associated with...

A focus on customer service

Over recent years many changes have taken place in traditional service organisations. There have been many reasons for these changes. Some have been brought...

Our business theory pages cover all the topics you need to know in business.

Methods of growth economies of scale

Businesses can grow either organically i.e. through internal growth where profits are ploughed back into the business or through external growth such as through...

The planning process

Plans are developed in order to set out a route map to help in achieving objectives. Whilst the plan is made by managers with...

Working arrangements

In the past large sections of the workforce worked on full-time permanent contracts. This was typical of most large British companies. Since the 1980's...

Our business articles cover all aspects of business including, brexit, SEO, business taxation and so much more.

How to Keep Your Business Premises Safe in Cold Weather

Cold weather carries a variety of risks for people and all businesses have a duty of care to ensure the safety of everyone on...

How to make business relocation as easy as possible

Relocating your office due to expansion is a good thing. You require more office space to accommodate an increasing workforce and new business being...

5 Severe Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring an Animation Company

Are you seeking to venture into exquisite videography as your go-to marketing strategy? Video marketing has proven quite efficient at attracting long-term clients and...

Is your business moving in the direction you want?

Owning a business is something people dream about and, unfortunately, many never realize. If you are fortunate enough to currently own a business you...

5 Tried-and-Tested Tricks to Grow Your Business

If you have difficulty scaling your business, it is not too late to learn how to grow. Well, it might be hard, especially if...

How Raffaele Riva is Taking the World of Business By Storm

While it is absolutely true that Raffaele Riva is internationally recognized and highly successful financial expert, simply limiting him to this title is almost...

Why Is It Important To Have Contracts For Your Business?

A contract is a legal document, usually between two parties engaged in commercial activity. The importance of having contracts for your business is that...

How Can a Business Promote Sustainability?

Sustainability is a good practice that benefits the business as well as the surrounding environment. A business is regarded as sustainable if its objectives...

Commercial Disputes

Dealing with commercial contracts in a business is a lengthy and costly process. If it involves suppliers and other key stakeholders, it can ruin...

4 Common mistakes of unsuccessful investors

Most people dream of becoming an investor thanks to the media portrayal. But the work is much different than what people in entertainment show...

Payroll Perfection – 4 Tips For Small Business Owners To Streamline The Payroll Process

Payroll might not be your favourite aspect of running a small business, but it's one of your most important responsibilities as an employer. A...

A costly choice of words how Theresa Mays speeches have influenced UK markets

The last thing the British Government expected on June 23rd, 2016 was a 'no' vote. The immediate resignation of David Cameron as PM the day...

Three employee benefits that are key to satisfaction at work

Any good leader in business knows that looking after their people is key to running a successful company. Your employees are the heart and...

What are the benefits of expressing gratitude at work?

In the contemporary era, everything happens swiftly, fashions change quickly, and success can vanish overnight. Expressing gratitude at work enables the development of numerous...

Using problem solving to improve your team’s dynamics

Strong working relationships have always been key to a successful business and even more so whilst so many of us are working remotely and...

Why billboard advertising is thriving in an age of smartphones

Many brands are investing more and more into various forms of digital ads, but there’s one type of old-school marketing that still works wonders:...

Is Instagram growth service safe?

As an Instagram user, you know that getting thousands of followers is a real challenge unless you’re a world-renowned celebrity or brand. If you...

Digital Business Consulting Services

The use of digital business consulting services has seen rapid growth in recent years. This is due to the fact that almost every industry...

Our lifestyle articles cover all aspects of lifestyle including, health, travel, education and so much more.

Evaluating thepensters.com review of a writing service

Do you look for an essay writing service? Want to understand if ThePensters.com deserves your attention? This review will help you make the right...

Essay writing mistakes to avoid

While writing an essay, it is essential to keep in mind the audience for whom you are writing. A high-school essay will be different...

Things to consider if you’re thinking about graduate school

Thinking about going to graduate school? Some people plan to go to graduate school after college, while others decide to get a master's degree after...

Has COVID-19 Affected the Rollout of Online Casinos in the US States?

The Covid-19 pandemic has shut down workplaces, schools, shops and leisure venues. Professional sports were on hold for months. The arts sector still hasn’t...

Rise of the mobile age in the UK

There is plenty of talk in the popular media about the smartphone age and how it has changed the way that we live our...

Betting on Tennis: Types of Bets and Tournaments

The Most Popular Tennis Bets Tennis is one of the world’s most popular sports and a great option for betting. There are lots of different...

Review of Best Game Boosting Services

(Image by Fox from pexels) Do You Need a Game Booster? One of the most popular pastimes today is playing video games with millions of people...

How Lucrative is the Mobile Gaming Market in the UK in 2022?

The fact that the global gaming market is predicted to be worth $256.97 billion by 2025 should give you an indication of just how...

Goal Spribe: Score Your Way to Success in This Dynamic Game

The Thrill of Goal Spribe Goal Spribe is an exhilarating game of chance that takes players on a journey to the end of the field...

Types of Cannabis Seeds and Why Choose Cuttings Over Homegrown’s Seeds

Nowadays, farmers are battling with climate change and many problems; hence they blindly rely on scientists and seed banks to produce improved and high-quality...

There Are So Many Ways In Which You Can Take CBD: Choose One For Yourself

More and more people are delving into the use of various CBD products to help them manage their underlying medical conditions. In some states...


The farkleberry is a shrub, the vaccinum arboretum, a part of the heath family. It grows naturally in the southeast and the south-central United...

Top 3 Characteristics of Good Dance Shoes

Dance shoes are an essential part of the attire of any dancer. They are made for the comfort and performance of dancers. The material...

MT police BC is one of the biggest sports broadcasting companies in South Korea they offer NBA EPL MLB for free

A sports broadcasting company is one that provides coverage of sports events. These companies use different media outlets such as television, the internet, and...

How to look the part in business

American costume designer Edith Head once said: “You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.” And when it comes...

Why do you always need to compare prices before shopping?

Shopping online is convenient and offers a wider selection and the opportunity to compare products and prices easily across different stores and brands. When...

How the money transfers business is driven by third world countries

There are various means through which money can be transferred across the world including through banks and money transfer applications. Money transfer applications are...

Protected document fraud 3 ways recognize fake ID

Protecting your business from dealing with fraudulent customers, consumers, and business partners is a vital concern for business practice in this day-in-age. With the...

How to pick the right motorcycle insurance

Riding a motorcycle requires you to have insurance. It is a law, but more importantly, you need insurance to protect yourself, passengers, your investment...

5 Ways Your Fleet Can Save Money

If your business utilizes a fleet for your employees, you may be concerned about how much it is costing. Vehicles are expensive, and there...

Emergency Vehicle Lights on Vasa Shop

Do you own a vehicle and need an emergency light? Well, Vasa shop is the right one-time shop where you can get the best...

Understanding the Legal Aspects of Cash Real Estate Transactions

The real estate market in the United Kingdom is a dynamic and complex arena, particularly when it comes to cash transactions. Unlike traditional property deals...

A Guide to Cleaning Your Bath Pillows the Right Way

When it comes to relaxing soaks, it is crucial to clean everything, including your bath pillows. Tub pillows are perfect for your neck when...

Essential advice that all property investors should follow

Over the past couple of years property investors have received a certain level of scrutiny as new legislation has been passed, a tax crackdown...

Planning business trips with a travel management system

Many industries now rely heavily on business travel. It is a huge part of modern life for many people, yet it can still cause...

Get your information about boating fines in Manibota from this article

When it comes to Canada, all the authorities which are authorized (for instance, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP for short and even police forces)...

A perfect yacht for every style

  With Summer officially upon us, beating the heat and enjoying the season means getting on the water. Boating as a preferred pastime has grown...

Our technology articles cover all aspects of technology including, cryptocurrency, computing, websites and so much more.

The impact of technology towards online finances

Attitudes towards money and finances have changed substantially in recent years with more and more of us using the internet and mobile technology to...

How doing business is changing in the digital age

The digital age of business carries possibilities, opportunities and challenges that promise to transform everything about how, why and when humans work. All the technologies being produced,...

4 Pieces of Tech Your Growing Business Needs

As your business grows, so will your need to implement more technological solutions to keep up with demand and improve efficiency. You will first...

Analysing the big question: Cost to develop software application

This era has been thriving on the wave of digitization. However, there can be many reasons behind this wave. But the advent of apps...

The impact of artificial intelligence and web chat bots have on business

The unprecedented success intelligent assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana have achieved has changed the communication landscape, especially in the business world....

Recover deleted text messages iOS devices save business

Most of us have text messages on our iPhones that date from lots of years ago. These can be crucial gems such as messages...

Buy Bitcoin With a Credit Card

Back in the day, gold and paper bills were traded to pay for services, but as the barter system’s inconsistency started rising, fiat money...

Polkadot (DOT)

What is Polkadot (DOT)? Polkadot is the 4th largest cryptocurrency in the world. It provides an open-source sharding multichain protocol. Polkadot is the cross-chain network...

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Crypto Tokens

What is a crypto token? It’s a digital unit that carries value or rights, operating on a blockchain that records its transactions and ownership....

Dijust Development share experience: Discovering AppsFlyer opportunities and assessing effectiveness

In today's digital era analytics plays a crucial role in a successful mobile app strategy. Gaining insights, into user behaviour evaluating the impact of...

How Well Did Communication Apps Perform During Lockdown?

The way we communicate has changed dramatically over recent decades but the fastest and most unexpected change has been how we have communicated with...

Why business owners should collaborate with still life photographers

Businesses are constantly striving to improve their profit margin. Because of this, they are constantly investing in their marketing and branding in an attempt...

The top 5 PHP frameworks for 2020

As the software development world continues to expand, it’s important having the right, modern tools to build a functional and responsive website or an enterprise web...

The seven components of a great website new businesses need you to know

New businesses have a lot to decide and design before they ever open their front doors. There is so much to do, in fact,...

Only Use the Right Criteria to Buy a Domain Name for Your New Blog

Are you planning on starting a new website for your business? There are a lot of things that you are going to need to...

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