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Maximize your Marketing P&L
for Growth and Profitability.

The first platform to tie media experimentation with agile  marketing mix modeling so you can treat your marketing plan like an investment strategy.


Know how much to spend...and when to stop because you've reached that all marketing is effective. 


Trusted by Innovative Brands


Linear, Digital & Smart: Measuring TV in an Age of Channel Convergence
with Philip Inghelbrecht, CEO & Co-Founder of Tatari

June 25, 2024 // 11AM PT | 2PM ET

Join John Wallace, Co-Founder & CEO, Jon Lorenzini, VP of Marketing Science, and Philip Inghelbrecht, Co-Founder & CEO of Tatari for our June CYE episode. 


"We were measuring incrementality, but to optimize our media spend, we needed both a single comprehensive view of our performance as well as a means to estimate the marginal profitability of our last dollar spent. LiftLab was the only vendor that offered this, along with a way to combine the MMM results with the findings from our ongoing testing. We can now optimize our budget by shifting spend to channels with higher marginal profitability, resulting in top-level improvements to spend efficiency as well.

Jeff Rosenfeld

SVP of Digital and Customer Experience, Cinemark 

Hello Marketing Mix Model. Meet Experimentation and  Forecasting.

LiftLab is the first to integrate Media Experimentation for both online and offline spend with an Agile Marketing Mix Model (MMM) and deliver this with an action-based Forecasting Insights Dashboard so that you can pinpoint future optimal spend across channels, tactics, and campaigns to maximize your marketing ROI


This unique evidence-based analytics approach - we call the Science of Marketing Effectiveness -  connects marketing spend to both growth and profitability objectives telling you how much to spend...and when to stop.


We Answer Your Hardest Questions.

 How much should I spend per day on this channel to maximize my iROAS?

If I give you $50K, where would you spend it and how much revenue will it generate?

How do I profitably acquire new customers?

How incremental are each of my channels and where can I spend more?

How should I fund upper funnel channels?

Next week includes a holiday promotion. How should my spending change?

The LiftLab Marketing
Effectiveness Platform

LiftLab offers the most trusted version of your marketing P&L so that you can make decisions with confidence.


The LiftLab Marketing Effectiveness Platform uniquely combines causal-based Experimentation, an Agile Marketing Mix Model and a feature-rich Forecasting Dashboard to create actionable data, increase accuracy and direct future spend.


Performance teams now have a baseline to compare daily results over a six-week period, accurately measuring sales lift and optimizing future spend levels by channel, campaign, or tactic.


Most Brands Rely on Conflicting Signals 

With the loss of cookies and IDFA, obtaining accurate measurement results has become increasingly challenging. Channel teams are faced with false conclusions, competing approaches, and a cacophony of KPIs and metrics. 

Measurement methods like last click, self-attribution, multi-touch attribution (MTA) and incrementality testing are either 'walled gardens' that lack transparency or are focused on average performance or incremental ROAS (iROAS) leaving teams with channels not optimized for true profitability.


 Why LiftLab

The Most Trusted Version of your Marketing P&L so you can make Decisions with Confidence


Get a granular understanding of performance and pinpoint opportunities for improvement across channels, tactics, and campaigns


 Focus on the marginal impact of every marketing impression and dollar invested instead of averages to maximize and optimize performance.


Don't like the results in your model? Verify your model through integrated experimentation and strengthen your channel signals to defend critical spend decisions.


Delivers constrained optimization that looks into the future with available data to support action-based decision marketing on where your best spend opportunities are.


Traditional MMM delivers static reports monthly or quarterly. Get accurate, real-time analysis that you can use weekly with your CFO to drive decisions.


The Science of Marketing Effectiveness

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