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Your work has been VERY helpful for me as an aspiring Data Scientist!

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I love your site by the way. It’s one of the few ML sources I’ve come across that explains things clearly rather than writing everything as if it were an academic paper.

Kevin Beaulieu
Software Engineer

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  • 5 Free Datasets to Start Your Machine Learning Projects

    5 Free Datasets to Start Your Machine Learning Projects

    After completing a course and mastering the essentials of machine learning, it is time to start building machine learning models using real-world datasets. While accessing most real-world…

  • Inpainting and Outpainting with Diffusers

    Inpainting and Outpainting with Diffusers

    Inpainting and outpainting are popular image editing techniques. You have seen how to perform inpainting and outpainting using the WebUI. You can do the same using code…

  • 5 Free Platforms to Collaborate on Machine Learning Projects

    5 Free Platforms to Collaborate on Machine Learning Projects

    Collaborating on a machine learning project is a bit different from collaborating on a traditional software project. In a machine learning project, engineers are working with data,…

  • Further Stable Diffusion Pipeline with Diffusers

    Further Stable Diffusion Pipeline with Diffusers

    There are many ways you can access Stable Diffusion models and generate high-quality images. One popular method is using the Diffusers Python library. It provides a simple…

  • 5 Useful Loss Functions

    5 Useful Loss Functions

    A loss function in machine learning is a mathematical formula that calculates the difference between the predicted output and the actual output of the model. The loss…

Our Authors

Adrian Tam, PhD, Data Scientist
Estephania Cristina, PhD, Data Scientist

Kanwal Mehreen, Machine Learning Engineer

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