Stuck in Customs – Trey Ratcliff's Travel Photography blog with daily inspiration to motivate you!

Stuck In Customs

My daily travel blog to inspire and get you motivated!

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That Photo

Saw the other day that the Astronaut who took the amazing photo “Earthrise” has died. Absolutely epic photo and you can read a bit about how it was captured over here.

A Reminder

If you missed it on Friday, please do take a little trip over to my latest long form blog post about my plant therapy adventure in Costa Rica!

The Big Sur Sunset

Daily Photo – The Big Sur Sunset

Yesterday I shared a shot taken while waiting for sunset. This was the scene a little later. Well worth the visit!

The Big Sur Sunset

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2011-04-12 21:17:51
  • CameraNIKON D3X
  • Camera MakeNikon
  • Exposure Time1/125
  • Aperture6.7
  • ISO100
  • Focal Length28.0 mm
  • FlashNo Flash
  • Exposure ProgramAperture-priority AE
  • Exposure Bias+2

Textures near Big Sur

Daily Photo – Textures near Big Sur

While we were waiting on the approaching sunset, I grabbed this shot which just felt right for a little texture.

Textures near Big Sur

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2011-04-12 19:23:28
  • CameraNIKON D3X
  • Camera MakeNikon
  • Exposure Time1/750
  • Aperture5.6
  • ISO100
  • Focal Length14.0 mm
  • FlashNo Flash
  • Exposure ProgramAperture-priority AE
  • Exposure Bias+2

Four Nights in a Row of Ayahuasca at Rythmia in Costa Rica

Here’s the movie trailer…

Let’s embark on a thrilling and transformative four-night journey with Ayahuasca at Rythmia in Costa Rica! This thing has got it all. From the grueling challenges of purging deep-seated traumas and dark echoes on Night One to the ecstatic connection with tentacled-Octopus surgery, followed by a second surgery by multi-dimensional hyper-intelligent aliens on Night Two.

Nobody expects the Alien Inquisition!

Each night unfolds a unique adventure. And then I experienced the gentle, feminine energy of Ladies’ Night, complete with profound blessings and humorous insights. I dived into the intense final night with Colombian shamans, where purges, divine interventions, and surreal visions merge into a cathartic and enlightening climax. I don’t know if I can communicate the emotional and spiritual rollercoaster filled with healing, humor, and otherworldly encounters that I found quite transcendent, but I will try.

Night #1 – Monday – The Night of a Thousand Tortured Souls in One

This was probably the hardest night I’ve ever had on Ayahuasca. I’ve had three ceremonies with the medicine before this, so while I am hardly the most experienced person in the world, I thought in my naivety it would be a bit easier this time because of my prior medicine adventures. It was a foolish thought indeed.

On my very first night ever, many years ago, I was only able to take one cup the entire night. I couldn’t even bring myself to crawl over to get another. Here at Rythmia, they encouraged us in the classwork to have as many cups of the medicine as we like. In fact, they said in moments of doubt, just go ahead and have more medicine. Sometimes you can get caught in your own head, analyzing what is happening. At those times, they suggest, don’t think. Drink.

It’s kind of like going to a wine-tasting, but instead of delightful varieties of wines to suit a delicate palette and a light buzz of relaxation, there is like one variety of mud mixed with a slurry of insects tinged with a rotten smell of something wet you forgot you left in a bag that doesn’t breathe. Also, it has none of the early “nice” effects of alcohol in that you feel miserable right away. Each sip reminds you of every time you have ever vomited in your life.

In advance I had a few conferences with my higher self, soul council, soul advisor, and intuition (all of which I believe are different facets of the same jewel of me), and I determined throughout the night that my number of cups would be seven. It’s a nice prime number. Smooth. I always see prime numbers as smooth.

For the uninitiated, it is indeed called medicine rather than a drug. Most people don’t get this. Or, they throw it into the same category as all “drugs” and might even think it has addictive qualities. It doesn’t. Addictive molecules have two major aspects that Ayahuasca does not. For one thing, you don’t need “more and more” of it each time to achieve the same “state.” In fact, you need less and less. The other significant aspect is that you don’t suffer any withdrawal after you stop taking it.

And just to touch on one more silly piece of feedback that I notice from the muggles out there – they often question, “Hey Trey, why are you looking for this stuff ‘outside’ of yourself.” It’s as if they think it’s some kind of escape or reaching for something outside of me to satisfy something inside of me. It’s quite the opposite. Ayahuasca is a medicine and tool that gives you full, unfettered access to yourself. It’s a medicine for going inside, not outside.

Before we go on, I fully know that many people that read everything below will be rather dismissive and think, “Oh Trey was just on drugs and was hallucinating.” It always feels great to be immediately invalidated after something like this, he said sarcastically. 😉 However when sharing these stories with the other 35 people here and hearing their own experiences, it’s clear that there is something more profound going on. It is something that is really hard to explain to others. Nevertheless, I’ll try to describe what happened for those who are curious… just be aware things will get quite graphic. Quickly!

Continue with the full post here.

Not Burning Man

Daily Photo – Not Burning Man

Although it looks like it, this isn’t from Burning Man. Just a random moment at SXSW where I ended up at a party that had a pretty big steampunk contingent. Always fun!

Not Burning Man

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2011-03-12 04:13:02
  • CameraNIKON D3S
  • Camera MakeNikon
  • Exposure Time1/160
  • Aperture1.4
  • ISO2500
  • Focal Length50.0 mm
  • FlashNo Flash
  • Exposure ProgramAperture-priority AE
  • Exposure Bias

Evening Light and the Summer Palace

Daily Photo – Evening Light and the Summer Palace

I didn’t make it to the Summer Palace until my final evening in Beijing during this trip. That turned out nicely though as I was graced with a lovely, delicate sunset. This place is also called the “Gardens of Nurtured Harmony”, a very welcoming name.

Evening Light and the Summer Palace

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2010-10-13 05:19:34
  • CameraNIKON D3X
  • Camera MakeNikon
  • Exposure Time30
  • Aperture4
  • ISO125
  • Focal Length65.0 mm
  • FlashNo Flash
  • Exposure ProgramAperture-priority AE
  • Exposure Bias+1

Breaking a Society

Saw this report in the news today talking about how a remote tribe in the amazon got internet for their village and now just 8months later they have issues with people being stuck on their phones all the time. The result being struggling for people to do the hunting and other tasks the village rely upon to survive. Quite crazy it was so quick to eat into their way of life (the report does note some benefits like they can now get quicker help for snake bites, etc but there was a bunch of quite negative aspects overall). Still, worth a look.

Daily Photo – Breaking a Society

This is not the amazon, but it felt suitably amazony…

Breaking a Society

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2018-04-02 11:05:10
  • CameraFC220
  • Camera MakeDJI
  • Exposure Time1/1250
  • Aperture2.2
  • ISO100
  • Focal Length4.7 mm
  • FlashNo flash function
  • Exposure ProgramProgram AE
  • Exposure Bias-0.656

Out Testing

Daily Photo – Out Testing

Captured while out gathering images that may make it into my a7CR review…

Out Testing

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2024-05-14 12:40:39
  • CameraILCE-7CR
  • Camera MakeSony
  • Exposure Time1/2000
  • Aperture4
  • ISO100
  • Focal Length105.0 mm
  • FlashOff, Did not fire
  • Exposure ProgramManual
  • Exposure Bias


Daily Photo – Istanbul

Something a bit more classic in design compared to the last few days of modern concrete and electric light…


Photo Information

  • Date Taken2016-10-02 18:33:39
  • CameraILCE-7RM2
  • Camera MakeSony
  • Exposure Time1/1000
  • Aperture6.3
  • ISO200
  • Focal Length115.0 mm
  • FlashOff, Did not fire
  • Exposure ProgramAperture-priority AE
  • Exposure Bias+0.3